Monday, October 21, 2013

Luke is 7 Months Old!

Is it just me, or has this last month flown by?  Luke's 7 month "birthday" really snuck up on me!  It seems like he just turned 6 months.  For some reason, it always seems like once October hits, the rest of the year passes in a blur.  This year is no exception.  Here's a little update on what Luke (and we) have been up to. :)

We had Luke's 6 month photos taken as well as some family photos of the three of us and some with my side of the family.  Luke was such a trooper, and we were very pleased with the photos!


Luke has been trying lots of new foods.  He really likes bananas, avocados, and applesauce.  He's also done pretty well with green beans, sweet peas, and of course sweet potatoes.  We're still feeding him purees, but I've also been giving him little chunks of soft food, and he does great with them.  He's still not interested at all in feeding himself, but I'm sure that will come with time.  For now, we are enjoying watching his reactions to each new food he tries.  His facial expressions are hilarious!

Luke's first two teeth made an appearance this month.  He had one really rough days, but overall it wasn't as bad as I had feared.  Amazingly, it didn't affect his nighttime sleep.  He's still sleeping like a champ-usually 11-12 hours a night!  We are pretty lucky!

We've all been enjoying the beautiful fall weather we've had lately! A couple of weekends ago, we went on a little hike with my parents in a nearby state park.  We walked on a paved trail for awhile with the stroller and then we tried another short trail with Luke in the Gemini carrier.  He's generally not a big fan of carriers, but he put up with it for quite awhile.  I think having so much to look at outside helped!

 Luke loves being in his Jumparoo!  Sometimes he bounces so hard we think he's going to break it!  His little legs are getting super strong too.  He can support his body weight with very little help from us.  Such a big boy!

Luke is also getting much more vocal.  He coos and gurgles and "talks" to us constantly.  He especially seems to like making noise when we're praying at church!  He smiles and laughs all the time.  He really is a happy little guy.

 I could go on, but I will restrain myself. :)  Luke is such a joy and blessing!  We are really trying to savor every moment because they really do fly by. 


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