Friday, November 22, 2013

Luke is 8 Months Old!

This month has been a big one for sweet Luke Ellis!  It seemed like every day he was changing in some little way or discovering something new.  It's amazing to watch something just click in a baby's little mind and know that they will never be the same again.  Luke had several of those moments this month!

Let's start with eating...

At the beginning of the month, we were gradually introducing foods with more texture.
Luke loved scrambled eggs and did really well with chunks of soft foods.  But he still showed no interest in feeding himself. 

Then one day during dinner, I guess he got tired of waiting for another bite and decided to take matters into his own hands.  Or rather his own mouth...

This is not a great photo, but it shows Luke's first attempt at feeding himself via faceplant.  Needless to say, it didn't really work, but it was pretty hilarious! :)

Not long after that, Luke started reaching for his sippy cup and quickly became very skilled with it.  He loves to drink both water and breastmilk and can drink very quickly.  His little hands have a surprisingly strong grip too!  Sometimes we have to pry the cup out of them to coax him into eating his actual food.

Over the last couple of weeks, Luke has finally started feeding himself!  We've done pieces of toast with various toppings, steamed broccoli, carrots, and chicken.  Tonight he even chowed down on a pear! It's amazing to see how he improves day to day!

Luke also experienced his first Halloween this month!  We didn't take him out trick-or-treating (I didn't think he was quite ready for candy this year!), but we did dress up as a family for our church's annual Trunk-or-Treat.  Luke was a lion, I was a leopard, and Jake was a safari guide.  Luke was not a huge fan of his lion's mane, but he put up with it long enough to get some pictures.  And he loved walking around looking at all of the decorated trunks.

Luke is now sitting up on his own and rolling from his back to his belly.  He's not crawling yet, but he definitely wants to be on the move.  Sometimes, though, I think he's going to skip crawling and go straight to walking!  His little legs are super strong!  He can stand up for several minutes at a time just holding on to the couch. 

This month, Luke also got to spend a lot of time with extended family.  We spent one Saturday visiting with my grandparents who live in town.  Luke had a great time!

My grandparents on the other side of the family who live in Ohio also visited.  Luke loved playing on the floor with them and listening to Nana sing.

We also met Jake's brother and his wife for brunch one weekend.  Luke had fun hanging out with his Uncle Jordy and Aunt Jilly!

One of the sweetest things Luke has started doing is reaching out for me.  Nothing warms my heart more than seeing that adorable little smile feeling those chubby little arms wrap around my neck.  It is one of the best feelings in the world!

Month eight has obviously been a busy one for Luke!  He is such a sweet little guy, and he is getting more and more fun every day.  It will be fun to see what the next month brings. :)


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